Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Note About Micheal Moore

I am watching Sicko, which is the first movie by Micheal Moore that I have seen. I can see why he has gotten such attention and even why he has won awards, but I do have an issue with him.

I am not very familiar with him, actually, so I do not know his agenda. It is clear, though, that his agenda is not helping people or informing the masses about issues. He has some amazing information that he has gathered. He is very smart, no doubt. He could be such an influential person. However, his random interjections of liberal bias blows his whole credibility to shreds. If he would just present the facts without the random stabs at Bush and other conservatives then I think he would be taken more serious and could even influence Washington.

Too bad such good messages are wasted by personal agendas.

Sicko was a good movie and made an excellent point, but it lost a lot when he made Hiliary Clinton out to be an angel who could do no wrong and made Regan out to be an evil bastard and then randomly - and I mean really randomly- threw in some little comment on the war in Iraq.

The bottom line: Objectivity is the key to making people see your point. Let them draw their own opinions and do not force yours on them.

Edited to Add:

I finished the movie and from the point in the movie where I stopped to write the above comments until the end of the movie, it really strayed off topic. In my opinion, Micheal Moore seems to love to throw his belief's at people under the disguise that they are something else - in this case he wanted to throw more punches at the GOP, so he made a new movie, made it about a hot topic and then shoved his GOP bashing in there whenever possible.

This movie had a lot of potential. I really do not care to hear liberal viewpoints - or any viewpoints for that matter. As I said above, if you want to get attention to any topic you have to present it in an unbiased way. Otherwise you are alienating people - possibly people who could help you solve the problem you are bitching about.

I hope you see my point - I am very objective and when I read something or watch something about a debated topic, I find it hard to believe anything as creditable if it is not objective. If you stick to the facts then nobody can debate you because you can not debate facts. Micheal Moore had some great info in this movie. He was on the right track, but his overzealous viewpoints stabbed him in his back and the point he was trying to make was lost. Too bad because health care in the US does suck and there should be something done about it.

Here's a Quick Thought

Since I have been really slacking on the podcasting I figured I would throw something out there for you to think about.

What if each individual took responsibility for and worried only about their own actions? Would this help cut down on crime? Would it help cut down on accidents? Would it help eliminate controversy?

What would happen if each individual person only worried about their own actions, their own responsibilities? What if we didn't nose into others business? What if we didn't feel the need to tell others how to live their lives?

Would the world be a better place?

I am thinking about this in the context of how everyone in this society seems to feel the need to blame others whenever something goes wrong or whenever they don't like something in their own life. It seems in the US the trend is to point the finger instead of look at yourself when something goes wrong.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sorry for the Blackout

Last weekend I was on holiday and didn't get around to posting a podcast as promised. However, I am going to try and get one up soon. I am still doing the weight loss one. I have so much to say on this topic that I have to get my thoughts in order before I even turn on the mic. I assure you it will be a very passionate podcast and quite revealing about myself and my weight loss battles. Hope I can inspire someone!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Something to Think About

Have you ever watched 30 Days? It is a great program. I love how it tackles controversial issues. Love that they are not afraid to tackle things like abortion or gay rights. I also love that the program has shows that really bring to life the truths about things, like the episode about living on minimum wage. You can check the show out on Hulu.com. It is free and legal. I think it is a great conversation starter and possible a future podcast or 2.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Addicted Much?

Second podcast is here. It is about my addiction to Pepsi. Lots of rambling in the end about cigarette smoking for which I apologize. I got off topic a little and am quite passionate about that subject, but I will leave that for another time.

I encourage anyone to speak up about their unrecognized addiction and to say how pissed they are that support is just not out there from society for addictions that are as paralyzing as so-called serious addictions for which there are treatment centers and special treatments.

I am also sorry for the buzzing in the background. My kids ruined my mic so I had to use my laptop and the buzzing is the computer fan. Also some dumb ass is sawing outside and annoying the hell out of me, so you probably hear a little of that, too.

Next time I am tackling weight. Hoping to make it truly inspiring so be sure to listen.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Some Bad News

My children used my mic without permission and it got broke, so now I have to figure out a way to record new podcasts. The wire got cut. I may be able to rig it back together. My laptop has a built in mic, but I don't have recording software on it and do not have internet connection to it. I will have to figure this one out. Dang kids!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I Am Caffeine Personified

Here it is - the first podcast, of many, I hope. This is just an intro. It is not too bad but I have a lot of work to do on my presentation skills. Please leave me some feedback and let me know what I should change or what you like or whatever. Just be nice!

Just so you know - click on this post's title and you will go to my podcast. You will need the Quicktime plug in if you do not have it. Your browser should help you out with getting that.

Drum Roll...

The time has come, my friends, to post my first podcast. Once my children leave this evening I will be recording and, hopefully, posting it. I am so excited. The first show is not going to be too thrilling, but I think it is necessary to explain why I want to do a podcast. Hopefully, someone will listen because I have a lot to say. They will not be very long - under 15 minutes.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Blog

This is the blog that will serve as the home for my podcast. I have a very busy week ahead, so the podcast will not likely get up and running until sometime in April. I just wanted to at least give it a home, so I have this hanging over my head and forcing me to get my butt moving. LOL

Keep watching for updates because soon they will actually be podcasts that, hopefully, will entertain you all.